931-379-3520 1stumcmp@gmail.com

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is…

To make, mature, and mobilize disciples of Christ for the glory of God.


Meet Our Pastor

Rev. Eddie Watson

Senior Pastor

For Our Visitors

Frequently Asked Questions

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the world-wide United Methodist Church, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about what the UMC belives, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking?

Parking in the rear of the church with handicap parking on the left side facing the church.

Which door should I enter?

Front or left side entrance

What should I wear?

Come as you are

What should I expect?

Friendly and loving people, traditional service and uplifting music

Is there Sunday School?

Yes, 4 adult classes, 2 children’s classes, 10:00am

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery?

Children’s nursery available on request

Is the church available for weddings/funerals, etc.?

Yes, request through Pastor Eddie Watson with members having first option

How do I join the church?

Contact Pastor Eddie Watson